SUNY Buffalo State's administrative policies are presented in a specific format. Each administrative policy is assigned to a responsible office reporting to the Vice President for Finance and Management, the Chief Information Officer or the Chief Diversity Officer.

The administrative policy review committee serves as the conduit for development of new administrative policies and the revision of existing policies. While the committee guides the development process for a policy, the responsible office must provide policy content.

Propose a New or Significantly Revised Policy

The Administrative Policy on Policies outlines the process for proposing new and revised administrative policies at Buffalo State:

  1. The policy initiator identifies a policy issue and develops an administrative policy proposal (either a new policy or a revised policy).
  2. The policy initiator submits the administrative policy proposal to the appropriate dean or associate vice president. If the dean or associate vice president is in agreement with the proposal, he/she submits it to the appropriate vice president for endorsement.
  3. Once endorsed, the policy proposal is submitted to the administrative policy review committee. The proposal must be clearly written, understandable and submitted in the standard administrative policy format.
  4. If the policy proposal is approved by the committee, a draft administrative policy is developed by the policy initiator with guidance from the administrative policy review committee.
  5. The draft administrative policy is reviewed by appropriate stakeholders so that its potential impact on the campus community may be assessed.
  6. After thorough review and input, the draft administrative policy is approved by the President. The approved administrative policy is posted to the online administrative policy library and otherwise disseminated to the campus community (via the Daily Bulletin, etc.)
  7. The approved administrative policy is maintained online by the administrative policy review committee.
  8. To ensure its ongoing accuracy, the administrative policy is reviewed routinely by the initiator or the initiator’s department.


Resources for administrative policy development include:

  • A policy proposal summary
  • A template that provides a framework for presenting policy information with consistency
  • Glossary of Terms and the SUNY Buffalo State Editorial Style Guide
  • Review of policy drafts by the policy review committee and others
  • Announcements of new and revised policies to the college community
  • Online posting of approved administrative policies